Monday, October 22, 2012

Why I Can't Vote for Obama

(I am not speaking for any organization. This is my own personal opinion.)

Subtitle: the innocents, same sex marriage, religious freedom.

1. I can’t turn my back on “the innocents.” Psalm 94:21 talks about how the wicked condemn “the innocent to death” and how God will repay them. There is no one more innocent than an unborn baby. You would think that a mother’s womb would be the safest place in the world for a baby, but not so with President Obama. President Obama is pro-choice, and if you study his voting record you will see that he has also voted in favor of partial birth abortion. In addition, occasionally a baby will survive an abortion procedure due to the doctor botching the abortion. Obama voted against giving little babies in that situation any kind of help. He thinks they should die. I can’t turn my back on the “innocents.”

2. President Obama favors same sex marriage. If someone wants to live the gay lifestyle that’s their business, but I cannot in good conscience support a political candidate who wants to legitimize what the God of the Bible says is wrong. Scripture is the guide of my life and Romans 1:32 along with other verses tells me that I can’t “approve” of those who practice evil or make excuses for sin.

3. I’m not Roman Catholic but what President Obama is doing by forcing Catholics to pay for the morning after pill, essentially an abortion in some cases, and contraception, is a violation of their religious liberty. If Obama will do that, he will violate anyone’s religious liberty or other constitutional rights. Many of our ancestors came to this country because they sought religious freedom. I can’t vote for a candidate who would seek to impose his will over someone else’s religious freedom.