Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Naked Goldwing Vs Harley Street Bob

For nearly a decade I have been the owner of a 75 Naked Goldwing motorcycle. For two of those years I, with some help from my friends, brought it back to life. I have continued to maintain, repair, and improve my Goldwing.
This year I won a 2012 Harley Street Bob. A Street Bob is a big engine and a minimum of everything else.
When the Naked Goldwing and the Naked Harley are sitting side by side in the garage they seem a lot alike. I call them kissing cousins. Both bikes are black with just enough chrome. Both bikes have lots of power. Both bikes insure a lot of interaction with the environment since neither has a windshield or fairing of any kind. Both bikes encourage getting away from everything since there is no place to put anything on the Street Bob and the only place to put anything on the Goldwing is a compartment inside the faux gas tank or shelter as it is often called.
The Harley even discourages taking a friend along since it has a solo seat. So get on and ride, go fast, go loud, cast aside everything that so easily entangles and enjoy God's masterpieces that rush by in the constantly changing scenery.
The Goldwing encourages a friend to ride along behind on its two person seat. You can still go fast, and shed the cares of the world, but there's someone doing life together with you. The Goldwing is even quiet enough that you could talk to each other a bit at a stop light.
When I ride alone I ride the Harley, when my wife goes with me, I take the Goldwing. It seems perfect, until I consider that maybe I should sell them both and get a bike that can provide the best of both bikes. But what would that be?

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