Monday, August 07, 2006

I don't know anything, I never did know anything...

When Scrooge came to his senses, at one point he started dancing and he sang, "I don't know anything, I never did know anything..." That's pretty much true for all of us when it comes to the world scene.

Often I read or hear someone saying that they don't agree with President Bush. How do we know? How does anyone know? We don't know what is really happening in the world. In some cases we know what hapened in the past but even then we misinterpet so much. How do we know what to do to cause a positive future if we don't know enough?

The President, U.S. Senators and other government leaders don't know what's happening in closed and deceptive societies. They try to know but they only know what intelligence sources can tell them.

Intelligence sources only know what their sources tell them and what they can determine on their own. They can and do misunderstand, misinterpret and misrepresent those perceptions.

The Israeli army doesn't know that Palestinians who live in poverty would rather spend all their time for years digging tunnels and bunkers in the ground so that they can spring up and kill and kidnap a few Israeli soldiers.

The people spending their life tunneling in the ground and stockpiling weapons don't know what their life could be like if they would try to do something else beside hate and kill Israelis.

The people living in countries that are filthy rich with oil, for the most part, don't know what their life could be like if their government would start helping the people of their country instead of buying and building more weapons to kill Americans and Israelis.

Israelis and Americans don't know what life would be like if we could do something more productive with our resources than making weapons and building armies to protect what we have.

Do I agree with President Bush? I think the question is more, "Do I trust President Bush?" Am I a good enough judge of character to determine who can be trusted? We are so easily fooled. The very people who are untrustworthy are often so adept at deceit. Read "The Prince As Lion and Fox" by Machiavelli. I voted for Governor Ryan in Illinois and he ended up being a crook.
Bottom line, since I'm never going to know enough about what's happening in the world to call the shots, and someone is going to run our government, and to vote is to trust:

I have a qualified trust in:
George W. Bush
Joe Lieberman

I totally don't trust:
Hillary Clinton
Ted Kennedy


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

i don't trust any of them.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great line from the Scrooge. Actually, my favorite line from the whole old movie. Love it when he stands on his head in the chair.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

I don't think Ted Kennedy trusts Ted Kennedy. That guy is crazy!

At 7:17 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Yeah, he's vintage crazy but he keeps on getting reelected, has a lot of power and of course has the Kennedy name. Go figure.


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