Thursday, July 13, 2006

tribute to a brother

TWH and TJH went on a 650 mile Michigan motorcycle chautaqua. On this trip my motorcycle completely wimped out in a "by the side of the road" "pushing it out of traffic" "hundreds of dollars spent at a repair shop" kind of wimping out and that's not even telling half the story. The rest of the story will come in future posts such as T's Wild Ride, starting a stubborn motorcycle, rundown motels and more.

My brother was amazing.
He helped
He didn't laugh at my motorcycle (at least not out loud)
He didn't complain
He didn't criticize
He cheereed me up
He bought me a cool Harley T'shirt
He brought me a good book that I read the day I sat on a motel front porch waiting for word on my motorcyle.
He loaned me his lighter.
He put the lighter flame on my spark plugs to dry off the gasoline
He let me ride on the back of his Harley
He rode through the rain and didn't complain when I didn't see our motel
He was a brother and a friend
He somehow knew which road I would take when we got separated in Michigan
He didn't snore
He sat on the curb with me while I wondered how many more times my motorcycle was going to break down

When you share the same family with someone
and then you grow up and have separate lives
and rarely get to see each other
It's wonderful to discover again how cool your brother is


At 6:04 PM, Blogger John said...

sounds like the Motorcycle Diaries to me...

At 7:01 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Is the "Motorcycle Diaries" a book in publication? If so, I'll have to read it.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Okay, duh, ebay enlightened me on what you were talking about John. I haven't read that book although I did like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I hope my brother and I don't become revolutionaries or go insane.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

you guys should play world of warcraft together. I talk to my brothers almost every day now :)


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