Sunday, May 07, 2006

the best grandson in the world..nonpareil

Recently because of Nathan Davenport and Brian Lowery I was introduced to an online magazine called I haven't read their mission statement so I wonder if that's their goal, to be relevant, or if the name displays a bit of chest thumping because they are confident that they are indeed RELEVANT. Nothing wrong with that I guess.

When I was a kid I was a paper boy. I carried a newspaper called the Council Bluffs Nonpareil. I carried the paper for some years before I found out that the word "nonpareil" means "something of unequaled excellence." So whatever paper you might have carried when you were a kid it was nothing but a rag beside the "Nonpareil."

A few years ago there was a television station that called their programming, "must see TV." Other TV stations had programs that may have been of interest but they were strictly optional in comparison to "must see TV."

I understand this utter confidence in knowing what is the best. My grandson is a boy of unequaled excellence. He is the one on the left. He's only about 19 months old but he's the smartest little boy in the world. He's the best in making almost any animal sound you can name. He is the best at saying "yes" and pumping his little fist. He is the best at noticing and pointing out a bug, a dog, grandma and grandpa and many other important things. He's the best little boy in the restaurant and he is most excellent at sleeping in a big boy bed. He has the best blue eyes and smile. He is a little boy nonpareil.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Jason said...

I don't think you can get any cuter than that. The Hughes blood definitely runs strong.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Jason, I always knew you were really smart.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

hey i had a paper route and the paper was called the Times Press.


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