Thursday, January 18, 2007


I was sorting through some papers and I came across this from years ago...

"Vitamins are a big thing at our house and what the kids seem to like better than anything else are Flintstone Vitamins. Tyler likes "Bam Bam" or "Barney;" Jonathan likes "Fred," "the car" and "Dino" and Adam will eat anything. He usually ends up with "Wilma" because nobody wants" Wilma."

I had forgotten all about that little glimpse into some happy times from many years ago. What a joy it is to write and then years later to discover what you've written.

I wonder if a person could analyze personalities based on Flintstone Vitamin preferences.

I wonder if Flintstone Vitamins do a body any good.

I wonder if you can still buy Flintstone Vitamins at the store or if the kid's vitamins today are all Japanese cartoon characters or video game characters.

I wonder how many family moments are recorded in old sermons.

I wonder if that could preach.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Jason said...

I believe they do actually still sell the Flintstones vitamins at the store. In fact, Melissa used to take them often, but I won't release how recently she stoppped.....

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read an article about vitamins on the internet. A lot of the vitamins out there apparently 1. don't have the amount of vitamins in them listed on the package (more/less) 2. They don't digest quickly enough to be useful (pass on through) 3. One of the women's vitamins actually contained a lot more lead than is safe for daily consumption. However, Flintstone Vitamins actually passed the tests. Go Fred, Wilma, Bambam, car, Dino and the rest!

Poor Adam. It's like "give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything."

Love this post! Remembering such fun younger days!

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Jonathan H said...

Adam got stuck with Wilma eh...can she have some too?

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The youngest in the family usually gets the short end of the stick, or in this case. . .the Wilma.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger A boy named Toadie said...

TH --funny post here.

Jon --that is dirty pool bringing out the "can she have some too."

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

great post!


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