Wednesday, December 20, 2006

some don't know when they're out of their league

Sean Penn recently accepted the 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from the Creative Coalition in New York City. Congratulations.

Sean gave a rambling, disjointed speech in which he made some outrageous statements including a call for the impeachment of the President. The more some people talk, the more they reveal about themselves. A very wise person once said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Sean could benefit from that advice. Read more about his speech and award on

Sean has a high school education and he has an acting career so I guess that qualifies him to run the world. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but Sean should consider how his qualifications stack up to the people that he criticizes so freely.

I doubt that Sean's high school education made him an expert on the affairs of State, National Security, Foreign Relations, Homeland Security, Political Science, Arms Control or any aspect of the Military. I also doubt if Sean receives daily briefings from the CIA, the FBI, Interpol, NATO, The United Nations, our own military, in addition to our allies all around the world. Of course the people he constantly criticizes have the benefit of all that and more to help them make good decisions in a very volatile world community.

I'll admit that I don't watch Sean's movies. People say they like his acting so I'm sure that he is an expert in acting and knows how to deliver his lines. I wish he would spend more time speaking on his area of expertise.

The moreI think about it, maybe it was appropriate for Sean to get the First Amendment Award considering the kinds of things he has said. Free speech is something that I value, even for people who don't know what they're talking about.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Adam said...

I am GLADDDDDDD I am not the president. His job is the worst in the USA

There ya go a comment and btw Im back

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Jonathan H said...

Don't you know? If you're famous you get a free pass to regurgitate the latest popular drivel on the internet.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger TWH said...

And get an award.


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