Tuesday, December 06, 2005

things I'm glad I got to do in my life

love and be loved by a beautiful, smart woman
raise three boys and see them love and serve God
experience having a grandchild
have unselfish parents who put God first
have a brother and a sister

go to the top of the Eifel Tower
wink at the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris
walk where kings walked in Westminster Abbey in London
see where my ancestors farmed in Wales

shoot a deer with a bow and arrow, butcher it myself and eat it
call in a wild turkey
get two college degrees

learn to ride a motorcycle
wreck a car
see people's faces when they're under water during their baptism (they look like angels)

live in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas
milk a cow
fall asleep on the platform during church


At 7:54 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Hey brother, we've got to get together and go on a motorcycle chataqua in the spring. I finally have enough nerve go venture out farther than to the corner store for penny candy.


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