Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Weak and fragile they are, standing there, every person putting them under the microscope. They are people, just people, mistake prone, foolish at times, unable to let their guard down and yet their guard is down. All their garbage and dirt examined, every choice for a lifetime second-guessed. Today all of our political candidates seem so frail to me.

Can anyone lead this nation that is so divided, so selfish, so self destructive? Is there a way to throw them all back and try out a new batch? Iowa, Iowa, Iowa we hear so much about Iowa and yet isn't that two months away?

One nation wants to develop a nuclear weapon so they can wipe out another nation. Have they considered anything even so simple as prevailing winds and where the nuclear fallout might land? Can any of our political candidates deal with crazy rulers, wicked rulers, power hungry rulers, greedy rulers, satanic rulers, or even just frail, fearful obsessive rulers?

We will need a leader with strength. We need a leader who is good at the very core of their being. We need to pray.


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