Thursday, January 12, 2006

da Bears vs. the Colts

I wanted to go on record that I am pulling for a Bears / Colts Superbowl. I've been saying it for some time now but I recently heard a tv commentator suggest that matchup as a possibility so it's more than just my personal pipe dream.

We've adopted the Colts since we've been in Indy. We love to watch the Colts offense. We have a Colts license plate on the front of our car. When you live in Indiana you don't get a license plate for the front of the car and you have to put something there to cover up the two holes left over from the front Illinois plates. We've been to two Colts games due to the generosity of some members of the church here and we loved every minute of it.

How did the AFC get so good and how did the NFC go so far downhill over the last couple of decades?

I dug my Bears suspenders out of the closet to wear under my sport coat this Sunday. Yes, I'm going all out. Thursday and Friday were "wear blue for the Colts" day or something like that. It was an edict from the mayor of Indianapolis. I like being around that kind of excitement over something, anything.

During the game I'll be rooting for the Bears all the way. When the game is over, I'll be happy no matter who won. No, these games don't amount to a hill of beans in the big scheme of things, but January is long. Go Bears.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Adam said...

forget colts, Da Bears all the way!!!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Since the Packers are long gone from any resemblance of a playoff team, I revert to cheering for da Bears. Who would have thought that could happen?


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