Monday, February 20, 2006

coffee killer..the cold process

I'm still going to blog about politics but I am pausing long enough to say that the cold process coffee maker has killed my desire to have any coffee other than what we have at home.
I have given up coffee at work. Not too hard to do.
I have given up coffee during the fellowship time after church and before Sunday School, totally toxic.
I have ruled out Starbucks and Panera Bread coffee. Might as well grind up tobacco and put it in a cup of hot water. A sickly rivulet of putrid paste.
As of tonight I have even decided that our humble cold process even beats TRH's special coffee imported from the East Coast. Sorry T. I'll still drink it with you but your coffee has been knocked down to second place.
Drink coffee that tastes as good as freshly ground coffee smells. No bitterness just wonderful smoothness in a cup. Stop by for a cup or two.


At 6:02 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

I would have to disagree with you on that one. While the cold process is surely a time saver, my experience is that the coffee is inconsistant. One time it was bitter, another time slightly stale. Not to mention that you have to make sure you have the right size cup or who knows how much coffee extract to use.

gave the white mocha latte at Starbucks a try and it was great. But i don't care much for their coffee either.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger John said...

Hey, next Tuesday I will be driving through on my way to Illinois... Hmmm... You have me thinking on this cold process stuff...

I am going to give it a try once I get moved in to Springfield.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger TWH said...

john, stop by if you need a break. my office and our house is so close to the interstate we could almost hand you a cup as you're driving by. Not really, but we're close.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger A boy named Toadie said...

As I sit here drinking my Maxwell house French roasted, I wonder if it is a sin to covet another man's coffee. Hmmm.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

My coffee still says Mountain Dew acroos the can. But I'm warming up to the idea.

Once in a while I'll drink a can of Starbuck's Double Shot Expresso. But only when I need to be awake for three days.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger TWH said...

Lucas, Enjoy the Mountain Dew while you can, I used to. When your age gets up around the half century mark you'll be going to the bathroom every half hour and Mountain Dew just makes that worse.

Nathan, if you can be happy with Maxwell House maybe you're better off. There's the old saying, Once you have steak you don't want hamburger. Once you have lobster you don't want steak, etc. etc.
Once you have the cold process it might kill the desire for that other stuff.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Lucas, i'm making it a personal goal to get you drinking coffee. After that...spelling correctly

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

Let's not get too crazy. You have a better chance with the coffee than the spelling.


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